This section of the website has been compiled to keep patients informed of services/information available to them, these may possibly be available to them from other agencies.
This section also gives patient's information on the following topics -
Cancer care
We have compiled a Cancer Care Information Folder which can be found in the waiting area of both our surgeries.
Websites & Contact Numbers you may find useful if you are a patient suffering from cancer or a carer/relative of someone who is suffering from cancer are as follows:-
Tel: 020 3469 6400 or 0300 123 1861
Tel: 0808 808 0000
Tel: 0800 716 146
DNA Appointments at Solihull or Birmingham Heartlands Hospital -
Solihull Hospital,Birmingham Heartlands Hospital and Good Hope Hospital have changed the way they deal with DNA appointments.
If you fail to attend an appointment at any of these hospitals you will be discharged from hospital care. You will then require a further GP referral to be seen, which means starting the process again.
If you are unable to keep a hospital appointment please telephone the relevant hospital to rearrange your appointment, taking the name of the person you have dealt with and the date of the call.
Carers Information
Who is Carer's Trust and What Do They Do?
Carers Trust works to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. Carers Trust can be contacted via their website
Who is classed as a Carer
A Carer is a person of any age, adult or child, who provides unpaid support to a partner, child, relative or friend who couldn’t manage to live independently (not in a parental role) or whose health or wellbeing would deteriorate without this help. This could be due to frailty, disability, or serious health condition, mental ill health or substance misuse.
Carers tasks are many and varied. Commonly carers might perform domestic tasks such as shopping, managing finances, cleaning, washing and ironing; maybe in addition to maintaining their own separate households. Carers often do nursing tasks such as giving medication, changing dressings and helping with mobility. They may provide intimate care including washing the person cared for, dressing and attending to toileting needs. They may need to supervise medication or help with communication. Carers caring for people with mental health problems or those caring for people with dementia may perform few physical tasks, but provide a great deal of emotional support, ensuring that the person stays safe.
If you are a Carer you may be able to claim Carers Allowance. More information is available from or
If you have any questions about being a Carer or adding your name as a Carer to the practice list, please use the contact us section of the website and send your information and details to the Practice email address,or alternatively print off the attached Carers form and return it to the Practice.
Information Regarding Health Issues, Exercise Information and Cholesterol Diet Sheets
Further information can be found at